
Welcome to my writings or rants or whatever. Primarily these pages contain content of particular relevance to people in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Who does your taxes? and why?

This is April 15, the traditional deadline for filing income tax returns. Various places which are seasonally rented by income tax preparers will be shutting their doors and the workers therein returning to their other jobs.

Many of these outfits have advertised, often garishly, now they can not only get your tax return prepared but let you have a loan [often, if not usually, with huge fees and at high interest] on your expected income tax return.

Minnesota municipalities have established zoning restrictions on currency exchanges and pawn shops. There is a feeling that a concentration of them in a neighborhood reflects that the neighborhood has a lot of poor people and detracts from the business opportunities elsewhere on their streets and on the residential properties in the area.

For similar reasons many neighborhoods try to avoid having a proliferation of used car dealerships, particularly the ones advertising easy or no credit necessary.

So why, now that the season is over, don’t we look at these tax outfits, especially the ones who seem more intent on offering refund loans than on filling the blanks correctly?

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