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Friday, April 17, 2009

Quote of the Day -- Meghan McCain

The daughter of Arizona's senior senator is quoted on gay marriage and abortion. It is a seemingly unusual mixture of positions in today's politics, but it makes sense to me. [I'm not so sure I agree with the Republican part.]


I believe life begins at conception and I believe that people who fall in love should have the option to get married. Lest we forget, our founding document, the Declaration of Independence, grants the same rights to everyone in this country—“All men are created equal.” If you think certain rights should not apply to certain people, then you are saying those people are not equal. People may always have a difference of opinion on certain lifestyles, but championing a position that wants to treat people unequally isn’t just un-Republican. At its fundamental core, it’s un-American.
[emphasis mine]

She doesn't connect the views here, but it does not seem inconsistent at all for one who believes in life to believe in liberty. It's the definition of terms that brings people's blood pressures up.

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