I never thought I would live long enough to see the completion of
And at the dedication ceremony for the boulevard’s completion, Mayor Kelly stated that the job was not really done, that the connection west of 35E for Pierce Butler really needed to be made to allow for the whole strip through the city to be made accessible for development.
That is what I had always thought and it encouraged me to hear a sitting Mayor say so. Of course, three months later Randy Kelly was no longer mayor.
Maybe it was partly because of that and almost certainly partly because of the staggering economy the connection to Pierce Butler has not seemed to progress much.
But the lead story in this week’s East Side Review seems to indicate that it may well be finished during the lifetimes of many who are alive today.
Well, you know what they say about hope.
for some historical perspective, see ECBD? what's that? [7/14/08]
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