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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Whither goest ye, GOP? (And will we all learn to pronounce Ng?)

Every politician, probably especially incumbents, find people who would vote for Judas Iscariot [at least he knew where the money was] than for him/her. I am sure that Mayor Coleman the Second is no exception.

But right now people who are looking for a Judas or anybody else to vote for instead of him are at sea. John Krenik who had been the apparent GOP hope has switched to run for school board, apparently thinking that Tom Conlon needs assistance there.

So the Republicans have endorsed Eva Ng who says she sought that party’s endorsement even though she says she isn’t part of it, just an independent who wants to unseat Coleman. It used to be that actual Republicans [think Meredith, Konopatzki, Schaber, McCutcheon, Sonnen, Gaertner] ran as independents because they wanted to avoid the stigma that the GOP label brings about in our city. [And Mayor Coleman the first even pretended that he was a DFLer for a while to avoid that stigma.] Sometimes their personal charisma or other appeal got them elected and if they stayed in office long enough sometimes the DFL would adopt them. But Eva Ng must figure that the GOP image is no longer so dimly accepted or the DFL’s image is no longer as bright as it once was, or both.

In the meantime, those who are looking forward to getting a new mayor may be a bit confused. November is still quite a bit away, but for the moment we have gone from having two other options to one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another token candidate for the GOP. In this case, the token thing goes beyond GOP, it's women, person of color, and Asian. Why Eva Ng would want to be associated with losers like Jack Shepard, Obi Sium and other nutty GOP in Ramsey County politics...is, well, her choice.