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Friday, February 1, 2008

RIP: Sue's Park?

I was at the show that HKGI held last night at the Arlington Hills Lutheran Church to show five of its visioning ideas for the Payne Maryland Partnership.

It appears that the process was skewed to reflect the interests of the institutional parties involved [Merrick Community Services, Arlington Hills Lutheran, Bradshaw Funeral Home, City of Saint Paul Parks and Recreation, and the City of Saint Paul Library Agency]. They stated at the beginning that there primary focus was for the organizations that had owned real estate involved.

None of the five plans preserves Sue’s Park, which was set up almost twenty years ago to be passive and for which the city accepted a large donation to make it possible. Apparently Parks and Rec does not care about either the utter disrespect it is showing to the woman who made a five-figure donation or to what effect such cavalier disregard shows to future donors.

I was told that there would be a similar amount of green space available elsewhere on the new, expanded, site and that there would be no loss of park land, but there is no loss of green space only if one considers soccer fields green space.

I don’t think it does. Some people know that I am not big on soccer. I will state now that I firmly believe that I would be thinking the same if the fields were for an American game like football or baseball.

Earlier post:

Payne Maryland Partnership announces choice of visioning agency


Anonymous said...

Where is Sue's Park? I thought it was that place on Payne Avenue where that little police monument is, but it doesn't sound like it.

Midway Barb

R Sammons said...

It is on the SE corner of Payne and Rose. It was once the site of a school. Across the alley to the south is a SuperAmerica and across the street to the north are the Bradshaw [Carlson] Mortuary and [menacingly] Arlington Rec Center.