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Friday, February 22, 2008

Preparing for our summer guests [revisited]

The City Council voted 6-1 to obtain the tasers mentioned in my earlier post Preparing for our summer guests [2/15/08]. Councilmember Carter was the only vote against. DPP coverage reminded us that he is the son of a cop. [Yes, “cop” is the word they used, not “police officer.” That is a sign of the linguistic times by itself, I guess.]

In one of today’s Friday mini-editorials, the DPP today noted the vote and said

Some critics have suggested officers will use the weapons, known as Tasers, as "cattle prods'' to control unruly demonstrators. Police say that is not the intention. They say Tasers are used rarely but effectively to subdue dangerous suspects without causing permanent damage.

If demonstrators fear they will be indiscriminately tased, perhaps we could demonstrate our good will in a friendly and egalitarian Minnesota way. When people arrive at the airport for the convention, be they demonstrators or delegates, anarchists or Reaganauts, they will be greeted with a warm smile, given a fruit basket — and tased.

This may seem a bit flippant, but fair. And it would be just as fair were the use of tasers on either side be forsworn ahead of time. But do you think either will happen?

Although I probably will see the council video of this week’s meeting this weekend, so far I have not seen any reference anywhere that indicated whatever reason Councilmember Carter may have given for his opposition, but it has been my observation that councilmembers seldom cast a solitary dissent without either strong reason or feeling.

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