
Welcome to my writings or rants or whatever. Primarily these pages contain content of particular relevance to people in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Leap Year

Tomorrow is the day that only comes quadrennially, February 29th.

Traditionally it was when single women were allowed to propose to the men of their choice, a precursor to Sadie Hawkins Day. I doubt if anybody even takes Sadie Hawkins Day seriously now.

And it is a day when various media will have stories on people who are sixty having their fifteenth birthday [or other similar numbers in a four-to-one ratio].

But you never see what may be the real magic of the day:

It is the wage earner’s and tenant's day of revenge. Wage earners will be paid. Salaried employees work for free. Tenants who rent by the month or year get a day of occupancy free.

So if you work for a wage, smile when you see your salaried boss tomorrow.

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