Welcome to my writings or rants or whatever. Primarily these pages contain content of particular relevance to people in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
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Interesting URL
Likely I will say more about this later, but for now let me note that in a reply to my October 16th post ["Notes on a Visit to a strip joint [former one, that is]" a poster identifying him/herself as “JA Rotgut” has referred me to an interesting web site, leehelgen.com.
It does seem amazing that somebody so prominently in public life, who wanted to be a technology advocate on city-wide wireless, would forget to protect the most obvious internet manifestation of his own name.
I don’t know if JA Rotgut will ever get as well known as Dick Tuck, the legendary bane of Dick Nixon, but this is an interesting move. [Also, and I know that it is kind of juvenile, but the chance to align Helgen’s name with Tricky Dick’s was too much to pass up.]
I never knew why I had so much fame (notoriety?) for what I did and the man with whose name I have become somehow linked has been gone from the national eye for over three decades, so I do find it surprising that my name still comes up so much in so many places. I find it flattering most of the time.
However, get it right, please.
I don’t know this Helgen guy, but if I was the one who was behind the site you refer to, it would have been much more subtle.
I would have used the page to give the candidate faux support, but not for the right reasons. I would have given support for the wrong reasons and tried to skew the subject to something the candidate would not be prepared to get into.
I don’t know what goes on there, but I might have had the candidate saying he supported the police even though he thought they were too brutal too often or that he supported building a road to someplace in his district even though he couldn’t figure out why anybody would want to go there.
Dick Tuck
I am sure that this memo from “Dick Tuck” is a phony. To the best of my knowledge, Mr. Tuck is still living, but, seeing how few people who are here in Saint Paul have found this site, it seem highly unlikely Mr. Tuck would have. He would have had to have one heckuva search engine and spend a lot of time vanity searching to find this note.
But I would have to acknowledge that whoever wrote this has a good point. Using leehelgen.com misleadingly would seem more like what I have heard of Mr.Tuck doing.
I will discuss this matter with the suspect I have in mind for this later.
I did not wish the site to be misleading, misrepresent Helgens views or to associate with any other candidate, because I honestly was for "Anyone but Lee," - however, after the primary, there is only one challenger. But Mr. Hass had no idea I did the website. I do not know him personally and I have no connection at all to his campaign.
I did not wish anyone to get in trouble - again.. my only intent is to get Helgen out, it just so happens there is now only one possible alternative.
I am keeping my identity a secret for the time being because I don't trust Mr. Helgen. From what I've heard from multiple sources, some downtown, he's a bully and disrespectful to others. That's not the kind of elected official I want to know my name.
JArotgut of www.leehelgen.com
Understood. RS
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