
Welcome to my writings or rants or whatever. Primarily these pages contain content of particular relevance to people in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

There are some links on the right which people in Saint Paul might find helpful.

If you feel inspired enough to publicly [although the particular public is not very big] comment on anything I have written, a place is provided. PLEASE GIVE ME A NAME OF YOUR CHOICE [as long as you don't use somebody else's] AND YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD [to help give identity and establish perspective]. I reserve the right to continue to delete as I see fair and proper.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

In the cards for our city?

I recently put a post on the Saint Paul Issues Forum [link at left or below on the side] in which I noted that today’s paper has an article about Cottage Groves history card deck and asked who or what would go on a Saint Paul deck.

I figured that some people or things would be obvious [Pig’s Eye Parrant, Alexander Ramsey, Harriet Bishop, the Mississippi River, Winter Carnival, Gordon Parks, Lexington Park, the Capitol] and wondered what others might be included, speculating out loud [so to speak since this is a written medium] about other people/things [Bishop Cretin? the Hill family? Vic Tedesco? Gordon Parks? Wendell Anderson? the gangster era? Sister Giovanni? the colleges in town? the parks – and which ones? Max Shulman?]

I chose to put that post there rather than here because they have more readers and this is something I am more interested in starting than in finishing. But anybody reading this who maybe is not a member of SPIF and wishes to make a suggestion here may feel free to do so.

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