
Welcome to my writings or rants or whatever. Primarily these pages contain content of particular relevance to people in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

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Friday, October 5, 2007

Chaos on the Streets [Mpls version] OR Pedal Pusher Update

From a piece from Katherine Kersten in today's Star-Journal. [emphases mine]

How true.

[Of course, we know that bicyclists are more civically holy than almost anybody else]

If Critical Mass riders just wanted to celebrate bikes, they could refrain from serial law-breaking and ride at a time that doesn't provoke rush-hour drivers. But that won't do. Their antics are more about power -- "I'll make you wait while I ride by" -- and self-dramatization than making the world a better place.

Minneapolis authorities eventually will discover what parents learn when they allow petulant children to break the rules "just to keep the peace." You don't get peace. You just open the door to bigger trouble.

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