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Saturday, October 27, 2007

Is there a Catch-22 here someplace?

From an article today in the Winona Daily News

Under provisions of the USA Patriot Act and the Real ID Act, the Hmong who fought alongside Americans in the “secret war” against communists in the 1960s and 1970s in Laos are considered “terrorists” — disqualifying them for asylum or green cards.

Last month, the Senate passed an amendment by Sens. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., and Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., that says the Hmong and other groups that had been ensnared by the anti-terrorism laws are not to be considered terrorists. The amendment was part of a larger bill funding foreign aid and U.S. diplomacy, which faces a veto threat over issues unrelated to the Hmong provision.

The situation prompting this action seems overtly ridiculous. After all, isn’t terrorism more of less a big part of what we hired/co-opted/coerced the Hmong into doing back then which helped set up the situation in which we found ourselves morally obliged to welcome Hmong people here.

If I am understanding this correctly, our senior senator deserves some compliment for h is role on this.

If I need drastic re-education on this, feel free to comment.

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