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Friday, June 5, 2009

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition, revisited

Now that Pawlenty is out of the race for governor next year, people around the republic are wondering what he is thinking for 2012.

And it’s not just local media.

Among the other out-of-state stories and commentaries is one from Nate Silver of fivethrityeight.com. He calls Pawlenty a “hockey dad” and notes that our governor’s approval ratings have been nothing remarkable but suggests that he could be a factor.

Silver seems a bit disdainful of the whole Republican field and those who will choose their candidates and gives us the quote of the day which may say more about him than about Pawlenty, but is interesting nevertheless:

“If I were him [Pawlenty], I might talk a lot about guns -- but not so much about God.”

1 comment:

d. berg said...


The Mayan calendar ends in 2012. Many people think this will be some kind of significant year. We'll see I guess.

d. berg