
Welcome to my writings or rants or whatever. Primarily these pages contain content of particular relevance to people in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

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Monday, June 8, 2009

At sea about how to get up in the air

I wrote about renaming things a bit ago, specifically about a school at 707 Holly. I noted that renaming involves unnaming.

Now the matter comes up again, this time for people who are trying to catch an airplane to go somewhere else.

Should we remove the names of Charles Lindbergh [the younger one, not the Congressperson] and Hubert Humphrey [the elder one, not Skippy] from the terminal buildings at Wold-Chamberlain Field which bear their names? Would people find the numbers one and two easier to remember and differentiate?

I have not been an airplane passenger for several years. But don’t the tickets say where the plane departs from? Oh, that’s right. Nobody holds a printed ticket any more, I guess.

But Lindbergh and Humphrey are both well-established Minnesota names and it seems a shame to take their names off the terminals just because some who are supposed to be flying are at sea.

Of course, if the now-defunct Northwest Orient Airlines had had their way a few years ago, the Lindbergh terminal would now only be used by Delta and the choice would be “Delta or somebody else.”

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