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Friday, June 12, 2009

How many happily married ten-year olds do you know?

The U.S. House passed a bill introduced by Congressperson Betty McCollum which would increase State Department staffing on the issue of child marriage and direct that we work with other countries on strategies to combat this problem.

An article in Minnesota Independent quotes her as saying, ““By prioritizing and valuing girls in the developing world, the U.S. sends a signal to countries like Ethiopia, Afghanistan and Yemen that the practice of allowing 10, 11, or 12 year olds to be married to much older men is a human rights violation.

Of course, she is right and she probably has the primary purpose for her act well stated, but it does not seem to me that 10-year olds of either gender, straight or gay, should be marrying anybody, regardless of age and we should not be approving of any place where that is encouraged or tolerated.

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