The ruies for the CCM Treasure Hunt are few, because when you really get down to it there is neither treasure or prize available. I will put up a picture. It will be a picture taken in Saint Paul, a picture which would not have required anybody to intrude upon private property and which I believe can be duplicated by pretty much anybody with a camera. But you don’t need to submit your own picture to win. That would defeat the purpose of a stay inside where it is warm and there are no mosquitoes or other things to bother you.
I will ask something about the picture. Usually I will be asking what it is or where it was taken from or both.
I will give a clue. The clue might be in sentence-form or doggerel or cryptic words or maybe another picture or the same picture cropped less closely. If you think you know the answer you reply in the comments box.
The first person to reply correctly becomes known as the winner. After I get a few winners, I may even establish a special page listing them and which they can refer their friends and enemies to to demonstrate how utterly intelligent they are.
If there is no winner after a few days I will put up another clue.
I know there is at least some interest in this since somebody already took an incorrect guess on this one before I even put up what the question is.

For this one, the winner should be able to tell me what is pictured and from where it was taken.
Clue Number One
Go long, fellow.
Whether you are tall or a shorty
Work hard.
Call it forty.
Clue Number Two [2/6/08]
I had hoped to have a few more wrong answers before going to Clue Two, but here it goes:
It’s no joke
Think of a Hardy Oak
And if you’re old and not rich
You might fill some small sibs' niche.
Good luck to all.
Never underestimate the skills of those who would do evil.
59 minutes for the first SPAM
I think its a bridge.
It is the High Bridge taken from Shepard Rd.
d.n. berg
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