So I will recycle the last, unsolved hunt from Capitol City Cacophony with its first four clues.

This means that the picture was taken in Autumn 2003, but aside from the change of seasons, there should not be any changes which would confuse you.
The four clues that appeared then are listed below. In a few days I will add anther if needed.
Good luck to all!
Clue #1: People going up need support to get there;
it does not hurt to have support when going down, either.
Clue #2: Justice demands an equitable perspective.
Clue #3 Look for a park with a sheep in it
Clue #4. It is in the Tenth Ward. This may help those of you who remember where
Clue #6. [2/23/08]
Before the weather gets too hot
Let’s thicken this plot.
Think of the factors.
Signature roles for two actors,
Wars are not wars and not always polite.
But in peacetime and war we need to meet.
Use this clue, but do not cheat.
Nason, Edmund, Wheeler,
All streets. I know what you’re thinkin’
Guess the connection.
Remember the sheep.
You can win. The others can weep.
Clue #8 [3/7/08]
A farmer needed water and his pump would bring up nothing. He checked and found that his pump was not defective.
What did he need?
Clue #1: People going up need support to get there;
it does not hurt to have support when going down, either.
Newel posts can help give support using stairs. There is nothing really symbolic here about going up or down, just an allusion to one of the most ancient ways of actually going up or down, the stairway.
Clue #2: Justice demands an equitable perspective.
An “equitable perspective” is a “fair view.”
Clue #3 Look for a park with a sheep in it
In the middle of “Newell” is the word “ewe.”
Clue #4. It is in the Tenth Ward. This may help those of you who remember where
The Tenth Ward is the area of our city roughly west of
This refers to the map posted on the lower right of all CCM pages which is a map of Ward Ten.
Clue #6. [2/23/08]
Before the weather gets too hot
Let’s thicken this plot.
Think of the factors.
Signature roles for two actors,
There may be burning and there may be fight.
Wars are not wars and not always polite.
But in peacetime and war we need to meet.
Use this clue, but do not cheat.
And it won’t hurt to be covered.
One actor could be either Alan Alda or Donald Sutherland, for whom both Hawkeye Pierce could be labeled a signature roll. The other would be Clark Gable for whom the role of Rhett Butler could also be so labeled.
Clue #7 [2/29/08]
Nason, Edmund, Wheeler, Englewood, Lafond, Lincoln
All streets. I know what you’re thinkin’
Guess the connection.
Remember the sheep.
You can win. The others can weep.
The first letters of these streets spell “Newell.” There is a second reference to the “ewe” in “Newell.”
Clue #8 [3/7/08]
A farmer needed water and his pump would bring up nothing. He checked and found that his pump was not defective.
What did he need?
What he needed was a “new well.”
Thanks again to all who participated. The next hunt should be up around one of the St. Patrick’s Days.
Clearly this image is an alien version of a reverse engineered great white shark who has been enabled to breathe oxygen and fly.
I am still waiting for the $10,000.00 for solving the first treasure hunt. Please encourage Mr. Sammons to fess up.
d.n. berg
north end
Saint Paul only has 7 wards. Do you mean planning districts?
I appreciate D.N. Berg’s observation, but it would defeat the purpose of having a hunt if I made a direct reply.
However, as I have indicated, there are really no rules here and if one of you has something that you think will allow D.N. Berg to win a second hunt or help somebody else win a first one, I imagine that it would be fair to post a hint here.
I have removed two posts about this hunt, but because they were SPAM, both from the same person using a Google/Blogger ID.
Not fair. You discriminate in favor of cab drivers. Why not something for the rest of us?
Midway Barb
Well, it has been said that life is not fair, but I am not sure that that would be a relevant comment here.
This treasure hunt implicitly favors certain people. You are most likely to figure out where the treasure is if you have a Saint Paul connection, are not visually handicapped, and can read and write our country’s prevailing language. All of these factors seem to be intrinsic to this whole blog.
And as I have noted there really are not rules, because since there is no real prize except for being identified as a winner here there never seemed any reason to waste a lot of energy writing, editing, rewriting, and justifying them.
I do not know if the term “North Long Hill” is limited to cab drivers and dispatchers or not. “Short Hill” is used by cab drivers and dispatchers, but since the Short Hill Playground existed into the 1970’s when the ground was taken over by the Saint Paul Technical-Vocational Institute, I know that it has a historical use elsewhere. And I have been told that Donald Empson’s latest book on Saint Paul streets and other things with names includes an entry for "Short Hill." It would seem that knowing that might help somebody infer where the North Long Hill might be.
Or you might want to make a friend out of a cab driver and have him/her tell you. After all, outside research is permitted and they really are good guys and women.
I do appreciate your comments and keep looking.
[For the record, I am a licensed Saint Paul taxi driver. You might have guessed that I have some interest in the business since I put the taxi links on the page.]
Ray Sammons
I've got it, I think. I'm going out to look for sure and will get back.
It is in Hidden Falls Park. It is the picnic pavilion.
It is not at Hidden Falls. When this thing is over and the clues are explained you will see how it could not be.
Anonymous posters are allowed to compete, but there is so little for a winner to get, just a chance to see one's name on the web and if the entrant is anonymous, even that honor will be impossible to receive.
I have got it. This is clearly a photo of an alien spacecraft which has landed in a wooded area. Oaks, judging from the gnarled branches.
I think it is unfair that Mr. Sammons can make contact with aliens (they even let him take pictures!) and keep the rest of humanity in the dark.
How selfish, but then again this is no surprise. He still has not paid me the $10,000.00 from winning the first contest. (I had a button too!)
d.n. berg
Clue Number 8 has now been posted and I cannot help but feel that pretty soon somebody will have the winning reply.
I doubt that I will reply to any guesses any more until I see the right one, so if one is only partially correct it may not receive a reply.
Of course, I don't check this blog continually so more than one correct reply may come in between checks.
But thanks to the Google people, these things have a time included, so I plan to announce as correct the earliest correct post.
I think we’re being tricked.
Its really in Minneapolis. Tenth Ward is a code for Minneapolis, since St. Paul only has seven. The equitable perspective is a fair view, so I think it is by Fairview University.
Also, the hospital does heart transplants and other things to hearts and hearts are really just pumps.
Im not sure about some of the rest of it, but it must be a roof by a tree by the hospital.
The photo is clearly of Newell park.
Now Mr.Sammons owes me 20 large.
d.n. berg
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