It was revealed quickly that the van-school bus accident near Cottonwood this week was caused by inattentive or otherwise defective driving on the part of the van driver.
Now it seems that the van driver, although not yet identified, may have been a person illegally of this country, likely a woman of Hispanic heritage.
Were gambling legal in this state [yeah, sure] it would be interesting if somebody made book on how long it will be before Pawlenty or one of his allies, hot-dogging politically to appeal to others' [and likely their own] bigotry uses this as justification for more cracking down on aliens [which also inherently means darker-skinned people who might be thought of as aliens], especially as to regards driver license labeling.

Just remember folks: This driver had a license. It just wasn't hers. But effective and even-handed enforcement isn't really what they care about anyway.

Were gambling legal in this state [yeah, sure] it would be interesting if somebody made book on how long it will be before Pawlenty or one of his allies, hot-dogging politically to appeal to others' [and likely their own] bigotry uses this as justification for more cracking down on aliens [which also inherently means darker-skinned people who might be thought of as aliens], especially as to regards driver license labeling.

Just remember folks: This driver had a license. It just wasn't hers. But effective and even-handed enforcement isn't really what they care about anyway.
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