
Welcome to my writings or rants or whatever. Primarily these pages contain content of particular relevance to people in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

There are some links on the right which people in Saint Paul might find helpful.

If you feel inspired enough to publicly [although the particular public is not very big] comment on anything I have written, a place is provided. PLEASE GIVE ME A NAME OF YOUR CHOICE [as long as you don't use somebody else's] AND YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD [to help give identity and establish perspective]. I reserve the right to continue to delete as I see fair and proper.

Friday, October 31, 2008

The first post in a while

It has been a while since I posted anything here. The lack of posts is due to complications of a fire, a resulting relocation, and a computer that must have sustained some damage in transit. I appreciate the two of you who seemed to miss things.

I know that I have missed so much of the political funny season and will not get it back. But I am sure that you have received enough of that kind of thing anyway.

I am still having a hard time getting my mind set in the right direction, but keep looking.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...