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Friday, September 19, 2008

This is an interesting country

We learned last year that Barack Obama was Muslim. Then this last winter we learned that he had an imam who was called “Reverend” at a strangely-name mosque with the words “Trinity” and “Christ” in its name who said strange things. Now we find out that his wife’s cousin is a rabbi. [story]

Obama’s family’s long-time connections with this land have made for some interesting developments. His opponents merely snicker when they are reminded that Dick Cheney is the Senator’s cousin and now we learn that a rabbi is his wife’s cousin. This is indeed an interesting country.

And that seems to be about all that these things show, but that won’t stop conspiracy foes with nothing better to do from playing with something. We will probably find out that Mr. Obama only married his wife to get the Jewish vote.

Earlier post: Observations on Obama, his mosque, and his imam [3/23/08]

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