
Welcome to my writings or rants or whatever. Primarily these pages contain content of particular relevance to people in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

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Monday, September 8, 2008

My Lord, what a daughter

What is there about Priscilla Lord Feris that would make anybody who should be voting in an DFL primary want to vote for her?

She is not Al Franken and that may be a plus, although the only people who were willing to be publicly identified as DFL people chose Franken. She is a lawyer so she loses that advantage that Franken has over Norm. And she is very old to become a freshman senator. By the time that she could be a second term senator she would be almost the same age that McCain is now.

I remember when Hubert Humphrey [the real one, not Skippy], Gene McCarthy, and Bobby Kennedy were running against each other for president, but that ended forty years ago this June when Senator Kennedy was killed. Somehow she is telling us that they all were her people, but even if it is true, how relevant could it be now? And to most people those names are just things in history books. How old does she think the average DFL primary voter is?

[NOTE: Some recent posts have been delayed or gone unposted while I fight the Blogger software. This may continue for a bit. I won’t know until after things are actually posted.]

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