I suspect that we will have sufficient trained election personnel to avoid the perils that some states seem to have no end of such as trying to open polls in locked up buildings, failing to print enough ballots or have enough machines to handle them [which seems to happen especially often in neighborhoods where the ruling party thinks itself weakest], dangling chads, or names mysteriously left off the ballot [as happened on the absentee ballots of a black community in Ohio last time when a “printing error” just happened to forget to include the name “John Kerry”]. Even though my unscientific exposure to election judges suggests that they may not be as non-partisan as our judges [who always have been supposed to be affiliated with the political parties] were in an earlier generation, our judges do indeed do good work.
And if you can get the day off and are affiliated with one of Minnesota's major party, you might want to call your county auditor to see if they need help that day.
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