Does anybody remember something called the East Central Business District [ECBD] bypass?
No, you cannot remember the bypass itself. It never happened. But maybe somebody remembers people talking about constructing it.
Four bypasses around the city’s Central Business District were planned. These were never planned to be free-way type streets, but wider streets which would remove the need to actually drive through downtown for people whose destinations were on the other side. Three of the four have been [more or less] completed.
The North CBD bypass includes Pennsylvania Avenue. The West CBD bypass is Marion/Kellogg/Chestnut. I believe that this one did not develop the way originally planned, but it is close. The South CBD bypass is Shepard/Warner Roads.
The missing link is the bypass on the east. The East CBD bypass [which was later shortened even more to ECBD bypass] was to run from Warner Road from almost underneath the Lafayette Bridge to connect with I-35E at Pennsylvania.
Its forthcoming completion was supposed to be one of the reasons that the state accepted a truck ban for the Practice Freeway segment of I-35E. Trucks could use Shepard/Warner Road and the ECBD bypass as a routing instead. As it is now, they have to cross through downtown on Jackson/Sibley.
It has been over twenty years since I served on a city-established task force to advise on the preparation of the draft Environmental Impact Statement [EIS] for the realignment of Shepard east of Randolph, Warner Road west of Childs, and the ECBD bypass. I was serving as the representative of Payne/Phalen District Five Planning Council and my purpose was primarily to make sure that whatever alignment for the ECBD bypass connection with I-35E did not make the connection for the road we now call Phalen Boulevard more difficult to obtain. Most of the people participating [besides the engineers and public works people and planners] were high-ranking shirts representing businesses [such as West Publishing and Anchor Hocking -- remember them?] with Shepard Road concerns. I did feel a bit out of place among such exalted company, but stuck to why I was there and nobody else seemed to oppose me in what I was there for.
Well, the draft EIS was done and it showed no reason to not build the bypass. But it never got done. Somehow it has never been funded.
Even though I never thought I would live long enough to see it, Phalen Boulevard is done, so we don’t have to wonder whether that connection can be established. Ironically, when I was serving on a task force considering Phalen Boulevard road design, including the bypass became a concern for building it.
And there is still no bypass. I am a bit ambivalent now about the whole matter now. I have no direct interest in how many trucks drive on Jackson or Sibley. But if I had an interest in Lowertown property or development I think I would like to know what’s up.
And I wonder if my posting this may double the number of the people [to ten] who even are aware of this thing.
Which bypass is the High Bridge?
It seems to me that there are a lot of people from South St. Paul and West St. Paul who use our bridge to get to Highland.
Actually, I think constructing the ECBD is long overdue. It might have been done already but some of you folks from the Eastside probably got some of the money for your Boulevard. I may be wrong and the funding might have come from other sources, but it sure looks like that might be the case. Maybe you or somebody else has some insight on this.
Cherokee Park lawyer
Coming in *WAY* late on this, but it should be noted that the as-present preliminary layouts for the Lafayette Bridge replacement include mention of a stretch of the ECBD bypass.
Wish I had a copy of the EIS, or at least a map of the proposed routing. Because it's also supposed to tie into a new interchange that'll be built as part of the 35E Cayuga Bridge replacement (which, as I understand it, will also eliminate the 35E interchange at Pennsylvania Ave).
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