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Where are you now, Bob Long?

From a post in Minnesota Monitor today we learn that Mpls. City Councilmember Scott Benson wants to ban disposable coffee cups in Council offices.Less ambitious than Bob was, but after all it is Mpls.ADDENDUM: An update was put out a few hours later.
Who is or was Bob Long?
And what's the relevance?
Bob Long was the last Saint Paul councilmember from Council District [Ward] 3 not named Harris.
He later was the DFL candidate for Ramsey County Attorney but lost to Gaertner in 1994, after seeking the DFL endorsement for Mayor in 1993, and losing to Andy Dawkins.
When he was on the council he introduced an ordinance to ban plastic bags and styrofoam cups in local stores and restaurants. The proposal even caught the attention of Michael Feldman on his public radio quiz show, What Do You Know?, when his show traveled to the World Theater.
I am not sure what has happened to him since. Attorneys seldom starve, so I hope he is all right.
And no, he apparently was not related to the Long Cadillac people.
Ray Sammons
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