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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Phalen Village Cub groundbreaking

I just returned from the groundbreaking for the new Phalen Village Cub store at 1157 Clarence.

Chuck Repke [who somehow manages to continue serving as Executive Director of both NENDC and District 2 Community Council] did a wonderful job as master of ceremonies. The expected politicians and developers gave the usual speeches.

Mayor Coleman the Second spoke first and suggested that perhaps Dan Bostrom could find future employment at the new store. It was made to look like it was being said in humor. The audience is free to make their own individual conclusions.

Councilmember Bostrom then commented that if he worked there that he would not be able to be a greeter for [a large Arkansas-based discount chain whose name I prefer to withhold], leaving one to wonder how he knew that said chain even had greeters.

Representatives of Oppidan and Cub spoke. Appropriate City staff people [including Penny Simison, Sheri Pemberton, Larry Zangs, and Tom Beach] were complimented for their work in making the thing possible and Oppidan’s representative lauded Mr. Repke.

In other words, it went pretty much to form as groundbreakings go.

Previous post: Revealing the Sign [11/1/2007]


Anonymous said...

What was the food like?

Midway Barb

R Sammons said...

There were turkey and ham sandwiches, a salad made of pasta and greens and other stuff [it was really quite good], vegetables, and a sheet cake.

Beverages were yuppie coffee [at least the cups were labeled with the name of a northern ruminant] and bottled Cub water. I admit that I think of bottled water as a yuppie thing too since real people would go to the tap, but since there were no taps around and it was the store’s house brand, maybe it wasn’t so yuppie after all in this case.

I suspect that attendance would have been better if the weather had been warmer and the ground not so muddy, but there were still too many people for the tent provided.

Anonymous said...
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