I had been wondering about what we should now call our distinguished governor. I [and a few others] have used Governor Plenty, but that really is just a cheap shot based on a name, not a name which really reveals any particular insight into the person being named.
But his decision announced yesterday unallot and avoid legislative processes, evading normal legislative processes [about the closest thing allowed to a coup d’état allowed under Article IV of the US Constitution] tells us that he should be given a better title.
There is a post on the blog “Liberal in the
I think I need to think a bit and welcome anybody’s suggestions.
Meanwhile, Senjum and Marty Seifert [“Sir Punisher”] and other legislative sycophants stood by His Excellency in front of that ornate mantle where governors haven given us their pronouncements on pretty much everything for years.
And I think my suggestion which I have raised several times for one weekly legislative session per month instead of 120 days concentrated in winter and spring has even more merit. [To be fair to CCM readers, I have never posted that here. I had intended to put it in after the legislative session was over and a better post mortem could be done and I probably will. In the meantime, you can dig out your slide rules and calculate 5x12x2.]
I don't know what title Pawlenty should have, but he sure seems like our own Hugo Chavez or Huey Long, except that those guys seized power for the people, and our leader is seizing it against the people
At least he did it during the session. If he were really a Generalissimo or (try this) Commissar, he would have waited until today when the legislators were gone.
Maybe "Supreme Leader."
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