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Monday, January 5, 2009

Three comments on the recount

Today the State Canvassing Board certified that the numbers add up to Franken.  Norm’s attorneys threaten suit.  We’ll see what happens.  In the meantime, here are three interesting posts elsewhere about the Coleman v. Franken recount.

After suggesting that Norm should run for Governor in 2010, Zach Stephenson in MNPUBLIUS, comments:

If Norm concedes next week, he’ll look gracious and avoid the “sore-loser” label that will plague him if he fights in court. Polls have shown that Minnesotans approve of the recount. They think the election was fair. I don’t think the public will get behind a court challenge. Moreover, Norm’s own words are really going to haunt him. Remember, right after the election Norm called on Al to concede. He said it was time to heal. If Norm takes this to court, he’ll be a hypocrite.

On the other hand, a concession from Norm would prove that he practices what he preaches. It would reinforce Norm’s self-styled image as a moderate and a uniter. I would expect that his favorability ratings would shoot up significantly.

From Dave Mindeman in mnpACT’s Progressive Politics Blog:

A 225 vote lead is not very big...but its value increases when you become a campaign searching for new votes. The official recount tally is over and even with the court challenges that Coleman has been talking about, there just doesn't seem to be enough numbers to overturn what is officially in the books now. . . .

The only way Coleman could possibly win now is through a prolonged and protracted court action which will do neither side any good.

Eric Ostermeier of Smart Politics, in a post noting the ineffectiveness of the Franken campaign notes

The rationale of their discontent was simply this: in an election year in which the top of the DFL ticket carried the state by a double-digit margin, why is the DFL even in a position to need a recount to win its Senate race?  [emphasis his]

There is also an interesting chart showing how previous DFL Senate candidates did against the head of the ticket and asserting that Franken is the fourth worst ever.

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