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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Our growing religious stewpot

Last month I was at a Baptist funeral at which a rabbi sang “Eagle’s Wings.”  That seemed strange.


At an event I was at earlier today somebody mentioned that it was a sign of the times that we were having such a hard time deciding which Jewish man with a Catholic wife should be our senator, that a previous generation would never have given either much hope.


As one who remembers when back in the pre-Vatican II days when my Catholic neighbors were told by the sisters at their school that they shouldn’t even go into a nearby Protestant church for a non-Sunday, community event and heard similar cautions mentioned by Protestants about Catholic campuses, events like these do indeed make it seem like we are making progress in tolerance.


But I just noticed a post from a Muslim woman in the Washington Post’s and Newsweek’s On Faith which outdoes that all.  It describes a Muslim event at which Rick Warren, Obama’s invocator, spoke and Melissa Etheridge sang.


To quote Yakov Smirnov, “What a country!”

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