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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

GOP Convention update June 24th

I was at a meeting this evening at which Ms. Erin Dady of Mayor Coleman the Second’s staff and Tom Walsh of SPPD presented information of local planning for the RNC. I think that most of what was presented is information which has been generally circulated. We were assured that city services like police, fire, and paramedic will not be lessened during the event. [Of course, we probably all knew that this is what we would be told. What else could they say?]

However I did learn some new things, including
> there is a second, less ballyhooed protest scheduled for September 2nd which will originate in Smith/Mears Park.
> there shouldn’t be a problem if the convention should require a fifth day.
> Ms. Dady says that the mayor wants us all to stay in town during the convention. However, he also wants us to go to the Civic Fest in Mpls. He can’t have both ways. Or has he forgotten where he is mayor? [Recent pictures of him and Rybak together in both cities make one wonder whether either of them knows.]

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