
Welcome to my writings or rants or whatever. Primarily these pages contain content of particular relevance to people in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

There are some links on the right which people in Saint Paul might find helpful.

If you feel inspired enough to publicly [although the particular public is not very big] comment on anything I have written, a place is provided. PLEASE GIVE ME A NAME OF YOUR CHOICE [as long as you don't use somebody else's] AND YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD [to help give identity and establish perspective]. I reserve the right to continue to delete as I see fair and proper.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Today marks six months since the first post on this blog. [Not enough for a birthday cake, but maybe it warrants a piece of pie, so and get yourself one if you wish -- at your own expense of course since I am cheap.]

I have posted with about the frequency I had thought I would, but have not stuck to local topics as much as I had figured on. [Had you suggested that I would find it handy to have a label for “Marty Seifert” I probably would not have agreed.]

A few people have added comments, some often. I don’t think I actually know most of them, but the way comments are taken provides for enough anonymity that I really cannot tell.

I have run into several people around town who tell me that they look at the site but have never commented. I understand. I almost never comment on anybody else’s site myself, although I do make occasional comments on Saint Paul Issues Forum.

I assume that this forum has served some positive role in promoting civil discourse on public issues, but certainly cannot say that the role has been large.

Feel free to use the comment space for this post to give general feedback on Capitol City Musings.


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