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Friday, November 16, 2007

Up the River Without a Exemption?

Katherine Kersten of the Mpls. paper has written a column suggesting that Rep. James Oberstar is blocking a continued exemption to allow the Delta Queen to continue to sail our inland rivers.

She noted that the congressman has voted to support previous exemptions, but now seems to be balking and wonders what has changed.

Then she noted that Seafarers International Union had supported previous exemptions but no longer does since the boat’s new ownership refuses to sign a contract with it.

Oberstar’s spokesperson noted continuing Coast Guard opposition to the extensions and Ms Kersten cites a quote from Oberstar that it would be “immoral” for the congressperson to put people’s lives at risk to placate a union.

I don’t know all of the facts, but find the posturing all around interesting.

If you are the owners and you refuse to negotiate collectively even though there are those entitled to negotiate with you, can you really expect representatives of the people of our republic to do anything for you beyond whatever is absolutely required?

If you are a congressperson, especially one who has been elected with the support of those whose mission is to protect the rights of working people and who has been entrusted with such a powerful place in monitoring our country’s transportation systems, why would you lift one finger to work against those who put you there, especially when the Coast Guard suggests that you do not?

A job worth doing is worth doing right. If you want to own a boat and don’t want to own it right, maybe you should let somebody else own the boat.

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