
Welcome to my writings or rants or whatever. Primarily these pages contain content of particular relevance to people in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

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Friday, May 22, 2009

Will IRV bring about delays?

I have been intrigued about Instant Runoff Voting [sometimes simplified as IRV – although it is not named for our late former House speaker] but never enough to suggest its adaptation.

Minneapolis has adopted it to take effect in this year’s election. We may be getting to vote on it sometime soon.

Now Steve Brant at the Star-[Journal and] Tribune reports that, according to election officials, it may take 10-20 days of around the clock counting to find out some of the winners.

I have wondered all along whether the better approach would be a combination of keeping the September primary date and allowing a candidate’s name to show his/her party endorsements alongside his/her name, multiple endorsements where that is the case, and to declare anybody with a majority in September to be elected.

But before we make our decisions, maybe we will at least have an idea of what the city upstream is getting itself into.

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