I am a bit surprised that Dean Barkley has not moved up in the polls considering all the invective that Franken and Norm and all of their surrogates have been using. I do know that they have convinced me to send the former Senator back to D.C.
And I am already tired of this election.
There have just been too many strange things in this campaign, whether one refers to the untimely filing of a suit against our senior senator which we are supposed to believe that the comedian from Gotham had nothing to do with or where Norm sleeps [I rented a basement bedroom when I was in college and it did not make me a member of the household and at least he did not pull a Durenberger and bill the government to stay in his own residence] the idea that corporate owners are more concerned with workers’ rights than their unions are [and the radio commercial refers to “America under Al Franken” like he was running for President].
I have always considered CCM as more idea-based than candidate-based and have not used this place to endorse candidates, although I suspect that sometimes people can make their inferences, such as in last year’s Helgen-Haas race.
But I guess I’ll vote to return Dean Barkley to Washington.
Also notable: Dean Barkley and Al Franken are both too old to become new senators because by the time that they have enough seniority to do much they will be too old. However, Barkley, because of his previous service, would go in at the top of the class.
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