
Welcome to my writings or rants or whatever. Primarily these pages contain content of particular relevance to people in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

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Saturday, May 24, 2008

People want to work. What’s so bad about that?

It is not local and not even in Minnesota, but the recent ICE raid of Agriprocessor, Inc. in northern Iowa near Postville has received a fair amount of local attention.

More than 400 people were detained and taken elsewhere to be held. His Eminence, Jerome Hanus, Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dubuque has condemned the raid.

And it happened while the United Food & Commercial Workers were conducting an organizing drive.

What a coincidence!

So workers’ families are disrupted and their children’s educations endangered. What do you suppose will happen to the employers who will benefit from this bit of federally- sanctioned and implemented union busting?

People want to work. What’s so bad about that?

And if it had happened here, can you imagine how much fun Pawlenty and Seifert would have had?

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