Governor Pawlenty has vetoed $70,000,000 for Central Corridor funding,
Representative Alice Hausman is quoted as saying,
"In my opinion the governor single-handedly killed the central corridor,"
Minnesota Daily:]
I don’t know enough to know if this will actually kill the train or not. There may be some hyperbole here or it may be just that somehow this will go through anyway with costs being shifted to local taxpayers.
But we can hope.
It would be overly simple to note that His Excellency is from Eagan and that people who live in Eagan and other suburbs live in those places because they are the enemies of city people and that Governor Plenty’s dislike of us combined with the absence of any Republicans in our city’s legislative delegation does not make it the easiest to obtain any funding for our interests, so I will likely be putting more up about the governor’s line-item vetoes announced today most of the news does sound like bad news to city people, but I want to examine things more first.
1 comment:
The Legislature works with the representatives of people all over the state and makes what is intended to be a package, a bonding bill to improve things all over the state. Whether these improvements actually improve anything is open to discussion, but there is enough perceived merit to persuade majorities in both houses.
Then the governor takes this deliberately worked out plan and eliminates things not for either their lack of merit or their economic unfeasibility, but because he is angry and he can.
And doing something just because you can is just about the poorest reason you can have. 21st birthday hangovers and interns under the desk are what that kind of thinking brings about.
What we really need to do is to eliminate the line-item veto so that the legislative process can work its way. If we can’t do that, maybe we should investigate changing the rules to allow multiple items in each line.
The US Constitution was adopted as a package. Nobody gave anybody any right to say that any single section didn't apply to him. It can't be asking too much to take a bonding bill as one package.
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