
Welcome to my writings or rants or whatever. Primarily these pages contain content of particular relevance to people in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Can we have your gun, Chief?

It really is off topic for this blog, but the irony possibilities are so good that I just couldn’t pass this up.

The United States Supreme Court heard the District of Columbia handgun ban law today. The District Chief of Police attended the arguments, but the Supreme Court made her surrender her gun to enter.

Think about it for a minute.


Anonymous said...

This ought to not be a good sign for gun nuts, that the court thinks it is alright to make a police chief give up her gun. If they can take guns from cops, why can’t cities or states take them from criminals?

But somehow I don’t think they’ll think that way.


Anonymous said...

DC police don't have jurisdiction in the federal buildings so she wasn't the chief when she was there, anyway.