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Sunday, January 6, 2008

Thinking Outside the Box?

Is this what they call “thinking outside the box”? Or at least outside the city limits?

In an article in today’s DPP, Ken Harycki, the mayor of Stillwater says, among other things, that they are looking at using land they own in Wisconsin [yes, Wisconsin] known as Kolliner Park for a dog park because, as he noted "Everyone wants a dog park, but not in their neighborhood.

This acknowledgement of a likely need that nobody wants immediately near seems to put dog parks in a category similar to big box stores, landfills, or low-cost housing. But aside from making that perhaps pithy point, it does make me wonder:

Is there property that Saint Paul owns outside the city limits which might make a good dog park? I’m thinking Lilydale, but maybe Water Works Property to the north would work also.


Anonymous said...

Lilydale sounds interesting, but I don’t know if it is doable. There were a ton of things involved in getting that park set up in the first place, joint powers deals with Dakota County and Lilydale and a lot of funding restrictions.

But what we really need a place on this side of the river. People who want to walk their pooches after work don’t want to fight rush hour going over a bridge.

Anonymous said...

The title of the post would seem to be a better fit for a cat park article.

I still like Dickerman.

R Sammons said...

By suggesting that we look at sites outside the city, I certainly am not suggesting that we abandon the hope of finding an in-city site[s].

But Lilydale specifically seems like it might be worth pursuing, especially if Thune et. al. cannot come through on their NSP plant thing.

Scum from the suburbs use the city as a place to take their money from and the city's facilities for their own amusement all of the time. A little turnabout might not be our of order.

On the matter of crossing a bridge: As it is now, people on the West Side have to cross a bridge to get to any of our city or county dog parks. One in Lilydale would save them that problem.